Azure Log Analytics Summarize Operator

This post is aimed at beginners with Azure Log Analytics. I’ll be discussing how you can use the Azure Log Analytics Summarize operator when you query data in your Log Analytics workspace. The Summarize Operator will likely be the most commonly used Operator. It seems like at least once a week I learn something knew …

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Kusto Query Language: the PowerShell of query languages?

I don’t usually get into speculation or predictions. More often than not they turn out wrong. However, something that I’ve been thinking about is the Kusto Query Language, which is the language behind many of my recent posts on Azure Log Analytics. But the PowerShell of query languages? PowerShell is pretty ubiquitous at this point, …

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Format the TimeGenerated Field Azure Log Analytics

I was recently writing a summary performance report binned by day. If you have used the summarize operator with bin you know that the TimeGenerated field has a lot of extra characters on it. So naturally my next question was how do you format the TimeGenerated Field?  I took a look at the official format_datetime() …

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Azure Log Analytics Project Operator

This post is aimed at beginners with Azure Log Analytics. I’ll be discussing how you can use the Azure Log Analytics Project operator when you query data in your Log Analytics workspace. The Project operator works similarly to Select-Object in Powershell. If we do: We get a bunch of fields back. Including our TenantId, which …

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Powershell Azure Functions: Severless for Ops People

Perhaps you’ve heard of Azure Functions, or maybe more generally serverless computing or serverless apps. If you haven’t heard of it, here is a blurb from MS: Serverless computing is the abstraction of servers, infrastructure, and operating systems. When you build serverless apps you don’t need to provision and manage any servers, so you can …

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