Breaking Changes Coming in Azure Monitor

There are some breaking changes coming in Azure Monitor that you should be aware of. In this FAQ here if you haven’t seen it, there are two changes specifically that are coming. First, the Azure Monitor for VMs / VM Insights Solution is changing where its Performance counters are going. Currently they are stored in …

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Extracting Nested Fields in Kusto

PSST: you could read this post. Orrrr you could check out the new 2.0 version, which has way more examples. Extracting Nested Fields in Kusto 2.0 – Cloud, Systems Management and Automation (     Pretty much every blog I’ve produced is a real world solution that I have used in production. Sometimes they are …

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Enable Azure ARC Machines with Windows Admin Center

Azure ARC is a new service from Microsoft announced at Ignite 2019. The service promises the ability to use the same Azure management tools to manage and monitor your on-prem workloads or even in another cloud. At present Azure ARC Machines is in preview and limited to Guest Configuration and Monitoring. That said, if you’ve …

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Log Analytics Heartbeat Table

The Heartbeat table in Log Analytics is surprisingly useful for a number of things. First at its base level, it acts as an inventory of your VMs. The table contains a number of useful columns from Solutions a VM is scoped to, Os Type and versions to what resource group they are in. In this …

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Azure Advent Calendar: Azure Monitor Workbooks

The Azure Advent Calendar is a great idea from Gregor Suttie and Richard Hooper. Community members the world over have contributed videos pertaining to Azure. My video is on Azure Monitor Workbooks. In the video I take you through many of the useful features of Workbooks. Video Outline Below is the rough video outline with …

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Azure Monitor Alerting with Powershell

In my opinion, part of monitoring with Azure Monitor is being able to alert at scale. When we say alerting at scale this means a few things to me. First, being able to create alerts in a programmatic fashion. Second, it means creating alerts that cover multiple resources at once. For instance, creating a CPU …

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Azure Monitor: Management Tips from the Field

Since I’ve started working in Azure full time for the last few years I’ve now seen a number of environments. This post will outline my Azure Monitor Management Tips to make your life easier. And how you should set it up depending on your needs. Given my focus has largely been on Monitoring, these tips …

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